

Decode cryptoquote puzzles

My parents love doing cryptoquote puzzles, word puzzles that challenge players to decipher a famous quote encoded using a simple substitution cypher. I decided that this would be a perfect subject for a personal coding project.

My initial attempt was slow to develop, but after completing my first CS course at UBC, I was able to make much more progress. I decided on a generative tree structure of game states, with depth-first search to find a solution. To generate new nodes, I began developing a language model that would give possible words matching a undecoded (or partially decoded) word.

However, my first attempt at a language model ran into difficulties when first testing the program, with the program taking far too much time, especially with short words. These words should have been the first to be decoded, as there are few possible real words for one- and two-letter words. However, debugging showed that the corpus, made from Project Gutenberg books, was full of things like chapter headers, which were being used as valid words. That meant that my program was trying "X" as a one-letter word.

I looked for new corpuses, and found the english-words package. However, I needed to modify it, as the words files didn't include words with apostrophes, which I was using to reduce the solution space. Modifying the shell script to generate words with apostrophes, but not other punctuation, revealed a new problem: the script didn't work for me at all. Running it didn't generate the text and JSON files it was meant to.

(Header image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay)

Update: After forking the english-words project, I was able to adapt the shell script to make it work on my machine, as well as generate the desired corpus files. My next step is to test the solver with the new corpus, checking for accuracy and speed. I may work on storing the corpus in a different data structure if speed continues to be an issue.

Update: I discovered the "word patterns" strategy from Invent with Python, and applied it to this project. I've had some good results with it, but I've discovered that some puzzles can have multiple solutions using real English words, so I will need to update the code to produce all solutions.

Update: Over this holiday, I was able to update my algorithm to produce all solutions for a puzzle, reimplemented the word patterns store to use MongoDB, designed a REST API for the solver using the Flask framework, and hosted the webapp using Heroku and MongoDB Atlas. The app is feature complete, but the front end does need some work to make it responsive for any mobile users.

16 July, 2019
  • python
  • flask
  • mongodb
  • heroku
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