November Update
November didn't have that many exceptional moments, but overall I'm feeling more confident with a lot of things.
The biggest improvement was in 121. I had my second midterm and got just above 80%! It really felt much more doable than the last one.
My 110 midterm also went great, but the last few labs felt much more stressful than before. I'm really going to need to review all the templates and patterns for trees and graphs for the finals.
In my Psych classes, my 101 essay didn't go well. I think I tried to force the topic I wanted to do into a format that didn't work for it. Not too worried about that overall, as I'm doing well everywhere else. On the 216 side, everyone apparently liked my podcast project!
The biggest personal event would have to be my 40th birthday, even though I didn't really do anything. It's really putting a point on the stresses with this life change. I'm much older than basically all of the standard CS students I see, and most of the BCS students as well. I'm just going to have to work hard and hope that my age isn't a problem in the workplace. Fortunately, most people can't seem to guess my age!
In other personal events, I did my first hackathon! It didn't go that well. We bit off more than we could chew by trying to do a Facebook Messenger bot when none of us had used their API before. The Facebook side was never able to properly work with our Express server on Heroku, which was really demoralizing for me. But at least now I have something to work on! I'm going to go back through the API docs and see if I can build some super simple test projects, and work up from there.
In more fun news, I got to see a live show of Welcome To Night Vale! I've been a fan of this podcast for a long time, so seeing it live was a real treat.
Now to get back to studying for finals. I'll see you in 2020!